Steps of Work

Steps Of Work


Step 1: Understanding Needs

The first step involves getting to know the client closely and understanding their unique needs and goals. Mirada pays special attention to issues that matter most to the client.


Step 2: Analysis and Planning

Based on the information gathered, the company conducts analysis and develops individualized strategies and plans tailored to the client's needs.


Step 3: Solution Development and Implementation

Mirada then creates and implements solutions specifically adapted to the client, whether it's recruitment, training, consulting, or other services.


Step 4: Monitoring and Evaluation

The company tracks the results and effectiveness of the services provided, conducting assessments and analyses to ensure that the client is achieving their goals.


Step 5: Regular

Regular communication with the client is essential, discussing changes and adjusting the strategy as needed.


Step 6: Training and Development

Mirada may provide training and resources to clients, empowering them to effectively manage their HR processes in the future.


Step 7: Continuous Improvement

The company continually seeks to improve its services, based on client feedback and changes in the market, to be the best partner in personnel management and business development.